Авторы: Morozov, A.V., Makhovskaya, Y.Y., Kravchuk, K.S. Journal of Friction and Wear volume 42, pages 281–289 (2021
Abstract: The paper studies the effect of adhesion and surface relief of laminated plywood on rubber friction. Samples of birch plywood are studied, the surfaces of which have different texture and roughness and are made on the basis of two different resins: phenol formaldehyde and melamine. The study of the static and dynamic friction coefficient is carried out on a tribometer according to the ring-disk contact scheme at room temperature of 23°C in the range of normal pressures from 0.1 to 0.5 MPa in dry and lubricated friction mode. The study of the adhesion properties of the coatings was carried out on an atomic force microscope with a 900 nm ball at the tip. The refined contact interaction model of the spherical tip with the plywood surface made it possible to estimate the surface energies of the coatings. The findings show that when using plywood in dry contact only, it is necessary, first of all, to increase the adhesion properties of its surface, for example by introducing filler-adhesives or using a polymer resin with increased adhesive properties as the base of the laminated coating. If it is assumed that liquids or contaminants enter the plywood surface during operation, then the best effect is the application of a two-level texture: deep dents to remove water from the contact area and surface roughness to increase adhesive properties. It should be noted that the roughness on some types of laminated films can change rapidly due to wear, therefore the use of films with increased adhesive properties is an advantage for increasing the adhesive properties of the surface of laminated plywood. © 2021, Allerton Press, Inc.
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