Микротвердомеры, нанотвердомеры НаноСкан. Нанотвердомер "НаноСкан-4D"
Nano-hardness module
Optical microscope module
Atomic force microscope module
Lateral load sensor
Motorized stage
Микротвердомеры, нанотвердомеры НаноСкан. Нанотвердомер "НаноСкан-3D"
Optical microscope module
Universal nano-mechanical testing module

Microhardness and nanohardness testers NanoScan

Scanning nanohardness tester
Scanning nanohardness tester
NanoScan technology is based on principles of scanning probe microscopy (SPM). The main characteristic feature of NanoScan is the use of piezoceramic probe sensor with high bending stiffness of the cantilever (~2 Х 104 N/m). The use of the regime of resonance oscillations allows to perform the tracking of contact between the probe tip and the surface on two parameters: change of amplitude and frequency of the cantilever oscillations.

This makes it possible to separate the viscous and elastic components of the tip-surface interaction, and distinguish an elastic surface and a viscous contamination layer on it, as well as to measure the mechanical properties of the surface.
High bending stiffness of the cantilever permits to go through the viscous layer until the contact with rigid surface and to make a modification of surface (indentation and scratching).

The probe design allows to use diamond indentors of different type. The listed functional capabilities give a great distinction between NanoScan and other nanoindenters and SPMs.
NANOSCAN-HV is the first domestic automated micro-hardness tester capable of Vickers micro-hardness measurements. It is certified and approved for use in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Algorithms of automatic indentation arrays and indentation boundary measurements are implemented in the device, allowing to perform various measurements according to user requirements, as well as to determine surface hardening depth (SHD, Surface Hardening Depth), carburizing (CHD, Case Hardening Depth) and other characteristics.
Микротвердомер Виккерса НаноСкан-HV. первый отечественный автоматизированный микротвердомер, позволяющий проводить измерения микротвердости по Виккерсу.

Microhardness tester NanoScan-HV

Desktop instrument for investigation of relief and mechanical properties of small samples by a complex of scanning probe microscopy methods, instrumental indentation and sclerometry in the range of loads up to 50 mN. On the basis of this model the course of laboratory and methodical works on studying the basics of performing measurements of physical and mechanical properties on the subicrometer and nanometer scale of linear dimensions was developed.
Нанотвердомер, микротвердомер НаноСкан-3D Компакт

NanoScan-3D Compact


Metrological scanning probe microscope combined with a heterodyne laser interferometer. This measuring complex is intended for use as a working standard for measurements of linear dimensions in the nanometer range, which allows to provide traceability of measurements of linear dimensions of nanostructures by methods of scanning probe microscopy. The main purpose is to determine metrological characteristics of other scanning probe microscopes and to ensure reliability of measurements of linear dimensions in the nanometer range in various technological areas, as well as in the tasks of certification and control of nanoindustry products.
Микротвердомеры, нанотвердомеры НаноСкан. Нанотвердомер "НаноСкан-3Di"
Nanohardness tester for comprehensive study of physical and mechanical properties in the range of loads up to 100 mN. The nanohardness tester is equipped with an optical microscope and a motorized stage for positioning the object under study. The high degree of measurement automation allows a significant increase in research productivity.
Нанотвердомер, микротвердомер НаноСкан-3D Стандарт. Нанотвердомер для комплексного исследования физико-механических свойств в диапазоне нагрузок до 100 мН.

NanoScan-3D Standart

Микротвердомеры, нанотвердомеры НаноСкан. Нанотвердомер "НаноСкан-4D Компакт"

Model range of microhardness
and nanohardness testers NanoScan

Benchtop device for rapid diagnosis of hardness and modulus of elasticity (Young's modulus) of materials by instrumental indentation in the load range up to 2 N. This model is ideal for teaching the basics of making measurements of mechanical properties. Based on this model, a laboratory work course adaptable for 8-12 academic hours has been developed.
The basic model of nanohardness tester, which implements the basic techniques of measuring hardness, elastic modulus (Young's modulus) and a number of other mechanical parameters. Methods of static indentation, dynamic indentation and scratching are implemented in nanohardness tester. It is possible to measure the surface topography in contact or semi-contact profilometer mode. An optical microscope ensures high accuracy of mutual positioning of the indenter and the research object. Additional assemblies and sensors are available for this model.
Микротвердомеры, нанотвердомеры НаноСкан. Нанотвердомер "НаноСкан-4D Стандарт"


Full-featured measuring system implementing all possible methods of investigation of physical and mechanical properties. The presence of an atomic force microscope module allows to investigate with nanometer spatial resolution the surface topography, as well as residual imprints after the measurements of mechanical properties. Automated procedures for performing a series of experiments are implemented in the nanohardometer, as well as the possibility of batch processing of a large volume of experimental data.
Микротвердомеры, нанотвердомеры НаноСкан. Нанотвердомер "НаноСкан-4D+"

NanoScan-4D Compact

NanoScan-4D Standart

© 2023 Scanning nanohardness,
microhardness testers NanoScan