Double-sided tips - indentors-lens allow combining mechanical and optical measurements, the products are protected by patent RU 2680853 C1 of 2018.05.18. Figure 1 illustrates the essence of the product for the Berkovich pyramid-shaped indenter.
As follows from Figure 1, the rays passing through the indenter do not focus and do not change the direction of their propagation, but only experience a shift, as a result of which the sectors visible through the indenter are repositioned relative to the center.
After the linear translation of the sectors, which can be performed on each frame of the video stream, an image is obtained, an example of which is shown in Figure 2. Thus, the surface positioning and indentation process can be visualized at each of its stages in real time.
The indentor-lens geometry allows combining mechanical measurements with optical spectroscopy methods. In the Raman spectra measurement mode, the laser beam can be positioned both in the indentation area and in unloaded areas of the surface, which allows to indentify the phases existing under load, but also to map the values derived from the spectra - such as the pressure distribution in the coating, for example.
The indentor-lens opens up new research possibilities and allows:
- Observe the sample surface before and after indentation in real time
- Measure the deformed area during the indenting process in real time
- Register the character and the moment of coating detachment during scratching (sclerometry)
- Measure Raman spectra during the indentation process
- Combine indentation and sclerometry with other optical methods of investigation and exposure